The man of all-conquering heart
Welcoming back King Arthur and the once and future Divine Masculine

Well hello, and happy June!
No, I can’t quite believe I’m writing that either. But here we are, less than three weeks away from Summer Solstice.
It’s been an interesting year so far. One in which we seem to have seen both the worst and the best of humanity playing out across the world. At times it’s all too easy to focus on only the former of those things and wonder whether there is truly any hope for the future.
Yup, I’ve had those moments too. But over and over again I come back to two things: my faith that positive change is coming, and a determination to do what I can – no matter how small – to bring about that change. After all, we know that real change only happens when we’re all involved.
As to where that change will lead us? Well as a Divine Feminist, I believe that involves a world where everyone can be free from oppression of all kinds and where we live and lead from the heart as much as we do from the head.
Does that sound like a particularly “feminine” way to lead? Perhaps. But what if I told you that perspective, like so much of what we believe about ourselves and the world, is based not on truth but on the stories patriarchy has twisted for us in order to fit its very specific agenda?
Let’s back up…
The man with a heart
Long-time readers may remember a couple of years back when this space told the story about Metis, Greek Goddess of wisdom and the first wife of Zeus. While pregnant with the god’s children, Metis was told that she would have “two very special children: a daughter equal to Zeus in courage and wise counsel, and a son – a boy of all-conquering heart who would become king of gods and men.”(Jean Shinoda-Bolen, Goddesses in Everywoman)
Zeus, as you might expect, was pretty freaked out by that and decided he’d stop at nothing to prevent the arrival of his children so, to cut a long story short, swallowed his wife (I know, I know). That didn’t prevent the arrival of Athena, the Goddess who was born from her father’s head and went on to become the greatest warrior of all the gods.
But her brother, the man of all-conquering heart? He, like his mother, was apparently lost forever.
But was he? Or was it that, in an era – an epoch in fact – with a very particular view of what it meant to “be a man” an alternative role model had to be tucked away and hidden from view?
Personally I think the latter. And now more than ever I think it’s time to deep dive with that alternative, bringing him all the way back to centre stage.
Enter King Arthur
This brings me back to my own land, and to a figure that you’ve undoubtedly heard of: King Arthur.
He’s someone I’ve always known of and have watched countless movies and TV shows about over the years (of course my favourite is the BBC’s Merlin, but I confess to a soft spot for the terrible Guy Richie movie too… who can resist Charlie Hunnam as King Arthur? But I digress). So back in 2021, when a new guide arrived on the scene and told me his name was Arthur, I admit to being a little sceptical, and reticent to get too close.
But in the years since, the man known as the once and future king of this land hasn’t left me alone. And over the past year, I’ve finally come to understand why: Because he’s determined to remind me of the true masculine that lies beneath our patriarchal conditioning. And gods is that important.
Last month I took a trip to Arthur’s alleged birthplace, Tintagel in Cornwall, with my friend and soul sister Charlie Edwards (check out her incredible Journey with the Land each month here). And though our adventures there are tales for another day, the insights I gained into Arthur and his story are absolutely something we need to talk about now.
Why? Because never before has it been so important to connect with the kind of masculinity that can truly hold us through the changes our world so desperately needs. A masculinity that existed long before patriarchy tried to convince us otherwise, and that is waiting to embrace and support each and every one of us if only we take the time to get to know it.
It's that energy, and the story of Arthur himself, that has led me to change things up with this month’s Re-Kindling session. Because for one month only, next week we’ll be looking not at Her Story but at His Story… the story of Arthur and the once and future Divine Masculine.
The session takes place one week from today on Wednesday, 12th June at 7pm UK-time (2pm ET/ 11am PT) on Zoom with tiered pricing options available and I’d love love love to share in it with you.
Together we’ll journey with Arthur’s story before journeying to meet and connect with his energy through meditation and spirit channelling. If you’d like to know more, or book your place, just click on the button below and honestly, if you’re going to come along to one of these sessions this year, I highly recommend making it this one, because I already know it’s going to be a biggie.
Whether you’ll be joining us next week or not, allow me to leave you with a reminder of the Metis story and how it applies to our own lives even today.
Because no matter what the stories may have told us, the truth is that within us all lies both the feminine and the masculine; both the wise warrior and the big-hearted leader. Never forget to claim them both, today and through everything that this world has to throw at you.
Thank you as always for being here. Love, Ceryn xx
Two more notes
Before I head off completely let me share two more things with you that are going on in my world at the moment:
Re-Kindling Your Connection
Firstly, launching during Solstice week, Re-Kindling Your Connection is a six week course aimed at supporting you to re-member, reclaim, and own your own connection with Spirit and the Unseen Realms in the way that feels truly aligned with you. If you’d like to know more, and to join the lovely group of souls that are already gathering for this one, check out the link above - it would be an honour to guide the reclamation of your connection.
Lilith: The Fallen Woman
And last, but certainly not least, THANK YOU for all of your lovely feedback on my novel, Lilith: The Fallen Woman which is available to read for free over on Wattpad (as a head’s up, I’ve heard it’s easier to read on a web browser than the Wattpad app). Chapters four and five are available to read now, with more headed your way later this month.